IBM Books

User's Guide

2216 Load Images

Load images contain the operational code that runs in a 2216. Information about specific load images is initially loaded into the NwDM database when you update software inventory for the 2216 (you also have the option of loading the actual Load Image into the database at that time). These load images correspond to the operational code releases of the 2216 software.

Use the Load Images task panel to manage 2216 load images. To display the 2216 Load Images task panel, click Load images from the 2216 folder of the navigation tree.

The Load Images task panel is divided into these panes:

You can display the help panel for the Load Images task panel by clicking Help.

Filter Pane

The Filter pane provides a way to search the Deployment Manager database for load images. The Filter pane contains these columns:

After entering data in the Filter pane, click Apply Filter to display the results of the search in the Filtered List pane.

Load Image Filter List Properties

You can search on these load image properties:
This property... Is used to describe...


The name of the load image.


The software version to which this load image applies.


The software release to which this load image applies.


The program temporary fix (PTF) to which this load image applies.

Modified at

Date and time this load image was added to the database.

Download URL

The URL where the load image can be found.

Information URL

The URL where information about this load image can be found.

Image length

The number of bytes in the NwDM database taken up by this load image. If the load image is not stored in the database, this value is 0.

Build name

An identifier used by NwDM to identify this load image.

Configuration Comparison Operators

Over time the number of load image records stored in the NwDM database can grow to be quite large. Using comparison operators allow you to refine your search of the database so that only load image records that meet specific criteria are returned. For a list of the comparison operators and information about entering data into the Load images filter, see Working with Deployment Manager Filters and Tables.

Filtered List Pane

The results of the search from the Filter are displayed in the Filtered List task pane.

The Filtered List task pane displays each load image as a separate row. To select a load image, click anywhere in the row, which highlights the row. Use one of these methods to select multiple load images:

Information about the load image is displayed in each of the columns. To reorder the columns, press Ctrl and Shift keys, and then click on the header of the column you want to move. The cursor changes to a hand. Drag the cursor to the desired location and release both keys.

You can also sort the Filtered List by the values in a column. Click the column header to sort the Jobs List in ascending order by the values in that column. Click the column header again to sort the values for that column in descending order.

Filtered List Action Buttons

Use the Filtered List action button to perform actions on one or more selected load images. These action buttons are displayed for the Filtered List task pane:

Clicking this button...

Performs this action...

Select All

Selects all load images listed in the Filtered List task pane.

Unselect All

Deselects all selected load images listed in the Filtered List task pane.

Process selected

Displays the pop-up menu for the Filtered List task pane.

Add selected to custom list

Adds the selected load images to the Custom List task pane.

Filtered List Pop-Up Menu

To display the Filtered List pop-up menu, select one or more rows and click the Process selected....

In addition to the actions available from the action buttons, these actions are available from the Filtered List pop-up menu:


Performs this action...

Hide Column...

Displays the Visible Column dialog, which allows you to hide one or more columns in the Filtered List task pane. From the Visible Column dialog, click the columns that you want to hide and click Ok.

Show Column...

Displays the Hidden Column dialog, which allows you to display columns in the Filtered List task pane. From the Hidden Column dialog, click the columns that you want to appear in the Jobs List and click Ok.

Go to Row...

Displays the Go to Row dialog, which allows you to go to a specified row in the Filtered List task pane. From the Go to Row dialog, type a row number and click Ok. The cursor is displayed at that row in the Filtered List task pane.


Displays the Print dialog, which allows you to print selected load image records. From the Print dialog, verify the print information is correct and click Print.

Print Preview...

Displays a preview of how the selected load image records will print. Click Close to return to the Jobs List task pane.

Delete selected Image files...

Deletes selected load images from the NwDM database. When the Confirm Load Image File Delete dialog is displayed, click Yes to delete the load image.

Import selected Image files...

Displays the Import 2216 Load Images dialog, which you can use to import a load image into the NwDM database. See Import 2216 Load Images for information about importing a load image.

Export selected Image files...

Displays the Export 2216 Load Images dialog, which you can use to export a load image from the NwDM database. See Export 2216 Load Images for information about exporting a load image.

Custom List Pane

The Custom List Pane is a table similar to that displayed in the Filtered List pane. In fact, the action buttons and pop-up menu are the same for the Custom List pane as for the Filtered List pane (except that the Add selected to custom list action button is replaced with Removed selected from custom list action button).

The Custom List pane provides a way to generate a list of load image records based on the results of applying multiple filters. For example, you could apply a filter to generate a list of load image records with a length of 0 for the Filtered List pane that. Next, you would select any or all of those records and click Add selected to custom list to add them to the Custom List pane. Then, you would apply a filter to generate a list of load image records that apply to MRS Version 3. Again, select any or all of these records and apply them to the custom list. The result is a custom list based on the results of different filters.

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